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Announcement on the relocation of the address of Zhejiang Hanbang Technology Co., Ltd.
Time:2016-12-24 | Read:4054
Announcement of Zhejiang Hanbang Technology Co., Ltd. on the change of the company's office address
Zhejiang Hanbang Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") moved to a new office address according to production and operation needs, and the registered address has not changed. The office address after the relocation is now announced as follows:
Before the change:Office Address: 9th Floor, Building 5, Xicheng Bosi, No.158, Zixuan Road, Sandun Town, Xihu District, Hangzhou
Postal Code: 310030
After the change:Office Address: 9th Floor, Building 6, Xicheng Bosi, No.158, Zixuan Road, Sandun Town, Xihu District, Hangzhou
Postal Code: 310030
Special announcement.
Zhejiang Hanbang Technology Co., Ltd.
Board of Directors
December 21, 2016